  • Structure of an Oil Drilling Rig
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  • Structure of an Oil Drilling Rig

    This image explains the anatomy of an oil drilling rig, highlighting components like the derrick, drill string, blowout 

    preventer, and drill bit. Each part plays a unique role in extracting oil from underground reservoirs, with elements like the blowout 

    preventer ensuring safety. This rig design facilitates drilling through various layers of earth to reach hydrocarbons, essential for energy 



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This image explains the anatomy of an oil drilling rig, highlighting components like the derrick, drill string, blowout 

preventer, and drill bit. Each part plays a unique role in extracting oil from underground reservoirs, with elements like the blowout 

preventer ensuring safety. This rig design facilitates drilling through various layers of earth to reach hydrocarbons, essential for energy 



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